
Aquaponics Research Kit (ARK)

What it is: A standardised and Open Source Aquaponics system Suitable for temperate climates. Affordable but capable of producing useful food Basic Kit £400 parts target (Ballpark £600 shipped cost) Well insulated single IBC system with media grow bed above tank Dual Airlift pump < £30 ESP Temp & EC sensor Transparent Polycarbonate inner cover Read more about Aquaponics Research Kit (ARK)[…]

Xanthoceras Sorbifolium (Yellowhorn)

This deciduous shrub or small tree is slow-growing, but once established it will produce edible, dark green leaves that turn bright yellow in Autumn. It has beautiful, fragrant flowers that are also edible, and seeds that are used for food and cooking oil. The oil is also being evaluated for biodiesel. This ornamental plant is also fairly drought tolerant and Read more about Xanthoceras Sorbifolium (Yellowhorn)[…]

Eco Hacker farm

Sustainable living using appropriate modern technology and permaculture principles. Eco Hacker Farm is an umbrella organisation for people who want to start or are already running ecological/permaculture farms combined with hackerspaces to provide a sustainable living space for people to come and experience a way of life that is not necessarily dependent on the system Read more about Eco Hacker farm[…]

The Open Building institute

The OBI system is open source, collaborative and distributed. Our focus is on low cost and rapidly-built structures that are modular, ecological, and energy efficient. Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 8.58.11