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Category: Uncategorized
Agroecology Lab 2023
Developing an R&D field robot A R&D platform based on the Twisted Fields Acorn rover. Using the existing electronics and software stack which features: CM4 CANBUS compute module carrier BLDC CANBUS steering/ motion drivers RTK integration Python software stack Optional ROS2 extension Proposed BOM for R&D field robot Project v1.0 – Mechanical weeding between crop…Continue reading Agroecology Lab 2023
Open hardware electronics
There are a good number of companies and enthusiasts who produce open hardware designs. These notably include Adafruit, Sparkfun, Olimex MLab Zio Plus a variety of individuals on Tindie , OSHWlab or Kitspace Using electronics typically involves connecting an MCU to various sensors, peripherals or actuators. There are a few standards that try to combine these…Continue reading Open hardware electronics
Open Source Robotic Processing Unit
Inspired by the ‘proper’ Robotic Processing Unit I was curious what a truly ‘Open’ version of that might look like. The CM4 footprint seems to enable modularity so over on the Twisted Fields forum I did a bit of CM4 module research In 2023 the ‘openness’ always going to be imperfect, RISC-V is going to be…Continue reading Open Source Robotic Processing Unit
Offline communications in 2018
Disclaimer – this is just some notes to help organise my thoughts. It might be of interest to someone, but it’s not a ‘proper’ blog entry. I’m particularly interested in a peer-to-peer mesh as a network for SSB messages: a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform https://www.manyver.se https://github.com/staltz/manyverse https://www.scuttlebutt.nz https://github.com/ssbc https://github.com/ssbc/stack-diagram It works, with a sufficient density of…Continue reading Offline communications in 2018
Seed sowing robot
Sowing seeds is often a pleasurable activity, it can become tedious or routine on a large scale. It seems like it should be fairly easy to automate with a vacuum and a XY rack of some kind. Or a conveyor belt system You can get commercial systems: And there is a couple of Arduino versions…Continue reading Seed sowing robot
Aluminium sheet mulch
i Been pondering the sustainability of Aluminum mulches recently. You can buy disposable mulch, but that doesn’t seem very sustainable. It’s an idea that’s been around since the 1950s and some have reported increased yield and even reduced pests What if you used 2mm thick stuff that could have regularly placed holes cut? It would…Continue reading Aluminium sheet mulch
Eco Hacker farm
Sustainable living using appropriate modern technology and permaculture principles. Eco Hacker Farm is an umbrella organisation for people who want to start or are already running ecological/permaculture farms combined with hackerspaces to provide a sustainable living space for people to come and experience a way of life that is not necessarily dependent on the system…Continue reading Eco Hacker farm
The Open Building institute
The OBI system is open source, collaborative and distributed. Our focus is on low cost and rapidly-built structures that are modular, ecological, and energy efficient. Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 8.58.11 https://openbuildinginstitute.org
Automatic moisture sensing Watering systems
A sustainable agriculture will probably still need some watering. If you’re going to do that then basing it on the actual moisture levels in your soil will save water and keep your plants happier So this how-to is on the to-do list